
Evaluation Question 3

For evaluation question 3 I have looked at my audience feedback and what I can learn from it.  Below you can see that I have analysed my audience feedback by looking at each question. I wanted to be able to see what peoples opinions were on my final tasks. I set up a questionnaire on Google forms which is a new website for me. It has allowed me to be able to produce a questionnaire very quickly and easily. Being able to look at the responses is so easy as well, you can see what all the answers were all on one page without having to go through them individually. . From what I can see from my analysis of my audience feedback I can see that overall people enjoyed my final tasks and there wasn't too much that people would change which is a very good thing, but there were a few things people brought up- The first thing was that someone said that it looked too much like a Christmas magazine, but as it is a December edition then I think maybe I should have made it c...

Evaluation Question 2


Evaluation Question 1


Ancillary Task 2- Website

For my last ancillary task I have designed  a website for my regional magazine called "Discover Devon" Here I have inserted screenshots of my magazine before I had finished it. I created the website using 'google sites' As I had never used the programme before I had to start from scratch. This programme is very easy to use and it is a simple design to work with. There is also not too many options on this website to make you confused. I started by trying to see  how I wanted the layout and the images to be inserted so I could see the theme that was being produced. Visit my final website here- discoverdevon

Ancillary Task 1- Billboard

Above is my first ancillary task. This is the first ancillary task out of the two and I am very pleased with how it has come out. Below is my draft, which you can see isn't that different to my final piece. I needed the images to stand out more on my final piece therefore I applied a drop shadow to do this. Which I have shown below how I created this effect.

Final Production

From creating the four pages of my regional magazine, I have been able to learn new skills from when I created part of a magazine last year. While creating my magazine, I have been able to learn more about using software Photoshop to edit photos and create my magazine on.  From using Photoshop, I have been able to include more professional looking images and minus parts like advertising for brands, shops etc and sometimes make the images either lighter or darker. I have also learnt how to do quick little tricks to be able to do something quicker. Also, I have taught myself how to make my photos blend in with other images. Also, I have been able to put drop shadows on my shapes and images to be able to make them stand out. Overall, I am very happy with my final magazine pages and really like the overall look that I have portrayed.