Theoretical Research
JEAN BAUDRILLARD Jean Baudrillard is a media theorist that looks at the narratives of a story and how a media text can imitate the style or content of another media text. Postmodernists have also argued that there is no originality in media texts; that the same ideas and techniques are re-hashed and re-used to create new meanings. He also looks at the way that one media text will reference another media text. These two magazines, that are both regional magazines, apply to Jean Baudrillards' theory of how media texts imitate others showing that there isn't a lot of originality in the media anymore. From looking at the two magazines above, you can see that they both have an animal on the cover with similar font and layout of text. Going down the page you can see that they also follow a color scheme and then have the addition of a white border at the bottom to split up the cover and show extra information. RICK ALTMAN Rick Altman is a media theorist that looks ...